Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pork and Plants Receives 2009 Ag Innovator of the Year Award

From Tim Terrill:

Eric Kreidermacher from Pork & Plants nursery just received the Agricultural Utilization Research institute (AURI) 2009 Ag Innovator of the Year statewide award. You might know about Eric and his pelletizing project when the Winona SWCD took a tour of it last year at our annual tour. Eric grows his energy crops on farmland, and then harvests' it to heat his greenhouses. This helps to filter pollution from leaching off the land, while producing an economic alternative to corn and soybean production.

I have been hearing from AURI and other alternative energy people that Eric is part of a very small group of innovators in the state that is actually applying alternative energy on a farm scale basis. I really believe and hope that his operation will be a model that policy makers will use to help further biomass utilization in Minnesota. Congratulations Eric for applying conservation to the landscape in a unique way, and making Winona County a great place to live.

Tim Terrill
PO Box 39, 400 Wilson St.
Lewiston, MN 55952

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