Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Making the Electric Grid Smarter, Stronger, Greener and More Secure.

Experiment in Rural Cooperation is showing this webinar (not as a formal host site) at the Heintz Center on TUES, 6/23... come if you wanna. Room HC112.
Tuesday, June 23, 2:30-4pm
Dr. Massoud Amin's webinar, Making the Electric Grid Smarter, Stronger, Greener and More Secure

Dr. Massoud Amin's webinar, Making the Electric Grid Smarter, Stronger, Greener and More Secure.
Tuesday, June 23, 2:30-4pm
For more details or to register:

The North American Electric Grid is considered to be the world’s largest machine as well as one of the 20th century’s greatest technological achievements. However, this same magnificent grid has grown old and out-of-date over the years and many believe it is not currently ready or able to meet the demands of the 21st century.

Dr. Massoud Amin will offer some much needed context on these topics and share his thoughts on how we need to move forward. In this information packed hour, he will use data, graphs, research, and his witty metaphors to:

• The current status of the electric power grid
• A historical context as to what has happened during the last 10-15 years
• Pathways forward on how we can make the Grid Smarter, Stronger, Greener, and More Secure

Following his presentation, Dr. Amin will take questions for the remainder of the hour.

Instructor Info:
Dr. Massoud Amin has pioneered R&D into smart electric power grids, coined the term 'self-healing grid,' and led the development of more than 24 advanced technologies for our national critical infrastructures. He is currently the Director of the Center for the Development of Technological Leadership and a professor at the University of Minnesota. His areas of expertise include: Systems and Controls; Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP); Development and Management of R&D initiatives; Strategic Planning and Implementation. Earlier in his career, Dr. Amin was the Area Manager of Infrastructure Security, Grid Operations/Planning, and Energy Markets at EPRI in Palo Alto, California.

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