Tuesday, June 30, 2009

SE CERTs May Meeting Notes

Southeast CERT Site Visit

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009, 3-5 pm

ARTech High School, Northfield Minnesota

ARTech High School
We started our site visit with a tour of ARTech High School for Arts and Technology to learn about their school and view their solar PV system. ARTech received a $5000 mini-grant form SE CERTS in 2008 for this project. Artech student Kaya Lovestrand led our tour and walked the group through their process for fundraising for and installing the panels.

ARTech is also participating in Minnesota Schools Cutting Carbon and has a proposal in the works for a solar greenhouse.
Northfield Community Members on their Energy Task Force
George Kinney, Bruce Anderson, and Pat Allen, are former members of the Northfield Energy Task Force. (See Task Force recommendations here
George, Bruce and Pat explained the charge to the Northfield Task Force, recommendations the Northfield Energy Task Force made to the community, described the process they went through and where the recommendations and participants are headed now.
More photos can be viewed on Flickr.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Wind Energy Forum

Thursday, July 9,
5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Wanamingo Community Center, 401 Main St., Wanamingo, MN

Forum highlights, focusing on utility scale wind energy projects:

• Community wind economics- by Eric Lantz, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

• Business models and finance

• Lands leases and other legal concerns

• Siting and permitting

• Environmental and health considerations

• Wind energy case studies

Panelists include Charlie Daum, Geronimo Wind; Mark Rathbun, Great River Energy; Pat Louwagie, Hoffman & Brobst; John Schladweiler, Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR); Carl Herbrandson, Minnesota Dept. of Health; Chuck Burdick and Tiff Thompson, National Wind; and Ron Peterson, Westwood Professional Services.

Everyone is invited at no charge.
A light meal will be served at no charge.

For more information:
Rich Huelskamp

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Making the Electric Grid Smarter, Stronger, Greener and More Secure.

Experiment in Rural Cooperation is showing this webinar (not as a formal host site) at the Heintz Center on TUES, 6/23... come if you wanna. Room HC112.
Tuesday, June 23, 2:30-4pm
Dr. Massoud Amin's webinar, Making the Electric Grid Smarter, Stronger, Greener and More Secure

Dr. Massoud Amin's webinar, Making the Electric Grid Smarter, Stronger, Greener and More Secure.
Tuesday, June 23, 2:30-4pm
For more details or to register:

The North American Electric Grid is considered to be the world’s largest machine as well as one of the 20th century’s greatest technological achievements. However, this same magnificent grid has grown old and out-of-date over the years and many believe it is not currently ready or able to meet the demands of the 21st century.

Dr. Massoud Amin will offer some much needed context on these topics and share his thoughts on how we need to move forward. In this information packed hour, he will use data, graphs, research, and his witty metaphors to:

• The current status of the electric power grid
• A historical context as to what has happened during the last 10-15 years
• Pathways forward on how we can make the Grid Smarter, Stronger, Greener, and More Secure

Following his presentation, Dr. Amin will take questions for the remainder of the hour.

Instructor Info:
Dr. Massoud Amin has pioneered R&D into smart electric power grids, coined the term 'self-healing grid,' and led the development of more than 24 advanced technologies for our national critical infrastructures. He is currently the Director of the Center for the Development of Technological Leadership and a professor at the University of Minnesota. His areas of expertise include: Systems and Controls; Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP); Development and Management of R&D initiatives; Strategic Planning and Implementation. Earlier in his career, Dr. Amin was the Area Manager of Infrastructure Security, Grid Operations/Planning, and Energy Markets at EPRI in Palo Alto, California.

Webinar: 90-Minute Introduction to the Biomass Crop Assistance Program

100 spots still available!
Continue reading or visit http://www.mnproject.org/BCAP.html to learn more. Please share widely!

Date: Thu, Jun 25, 2009
Time: 1:30 PM CDT
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Host(s): The Minnesota Project
1:30-1:35 Introduction & Overview – Ryan Stockwell, Clean Energy Program Manager, The Minnesota Project
1:35-1:50 Implications for Biomass Crop Growers & Users – Joel Tallaksen, Gasification Project Coordinator, University of Minnesota Morris
1:50-2:15 A State’s Perspective on BCAP – Gary Radloff, Director of Policy and Strategic Communications, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection
2:15-2:30 Federal Policy & Implementation Issues – Kelly S. Novak, Planning and Analysis, USDA Farm Service Agency
2:30-3:00 Question & Response Time

The Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP), created as a key provision in the 2008 Farm Bill, looks to promote the cultivation of perennial bioenergy crops that show exceptional promise for producing highly energy-efficient bioenergy crops that preserve natural resources and that are not primarily grown for food or animal feed.

BCAP will provide financial assistance to any biomass conversion facility or group of producers that contribute to the production of renewable biomass to use as an energy source. BCAP aims to relieve the dependency on commodity crops as an energy source and shift to less strained biomass materials.

The program is currently in the process of environmental assessment and rulemaking, and is projected to begin no earlier than spring 2010. However, the main structure of the statute remains intact and many want to see the program begin sooner—including President Obama—even if just in pilot form. This May, Obama formed an Interagency Biofuels Working Group and issued a directive to USDA Secretary Vilsack to accelerate investment in biofuels.

Please pass this webinar on to your co-workers and colleagues by forwarding this email or downloading a flyer for the event.

Energy Seminars at Rochester Market Square

Rochester Market Square is a group of independent established businesses that have come together to bring the building, home remodeling, and interior design customer the convenience of one stop shopping with a rich visual experience, sponsoring a series of seminars:

Power is Everything

Kohler Backup Generators & Dupont Kevlar Storm Rooms
Space Limited Please RSVP to 507-285-5453
Attend the Seminar and Receive Additional 10 % Off a System Saturday, June 20, 10am
MN GreenStar 101

Your Tool Kit for Green Home Building & Remodeling
Space limited Please RSVP to 507-289-3622 Thursday, June 25, 6pm

Wind Energy Systems for Home, Farm or Business
Space Limited Please RSVP to 507-424-3884
Attend the Seminar and Receive Additional 10% Off a System Friday, June 26, 6pm

Is Geothermal Energy Right for Your Home?

Winona County Economic Development Authority's 1st of the Summer 2009 Renewable Energy for Homeowners Series

Is Geothermal Energy Right for Your Home?

Monday, June 22, 2009
Ridgeway Community School 35564 Winona County Road 12
(2 mi. east of intersection of MN Hwy 76 and I-90 on Co. Rd 12)
5:30pm - 8:30 pm

5:30 Discussion & Tour of Ridgeway Community School Geothermal System
6:00 Welcome and Introductions
6:15 Generous Tax Credits and Incentives Currently Available for
Geothermal Systems
Jeff Haase, Mn Dept of Commerce, Office of Energy
7:00 Soundbites - Brief Self-introduction of Vendors
7:15 Panel of Homeowners w/Existing Systems
(2 homeowners, 10 min each, and 15 min of Q & A)
7:50 Panel of Installers
(2 installers, 10 min each, & 20 min of Q & A)

This workshop is free and open to the public. Cookies & refreshments will be provided.
Advance registration requested via email to amorse@co.winona.mn.us or by phone to 507.457.6468
Vendor booths are available at a cost of $25. One table provided; set up from 3:30 - 5:30. To arrange for a booth, contact Michelle Groth at timich@hbci.com or 507.454.5506

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pork and Plants Receives 2009 Ag Innovator of the Year Award

From Tim Terrill:

Eric Kreidermacher from Pork & Plants nursery just received the Agricultural Utilization Research institute (AURI) 2009 Ag Innovator of the Year statewide award. You might know about Eric and his pelletizing project when the Winona SWCD took a tour of it last year at our annual tour. Eric grows his energy crops on farmland, and then harvests' it to heat his greenhouses. This helps to filter pollution from leaching off the land, while producing an economic alternative to corn and soybean production.

I have been hearing from AURI and other alternative energy people that Eric is part of a very small group of innovators in the state that is actually applying alternative energy on a farm scale basis. I really believe and hope that his operation will be a model that policy makers will use to help further biomass utilization in Minnesota. Congratulations Eric for applying conservation to the landscape in a unique way, and making Winona County a great place to live.

Tim Terrill
PO Box 39, 400 Wilson St.
Lewiston, MN 55952

enXco Closes Financing On Wapsipinicon Wind Project

by NAW Staff on Monday 01 June 2009

Escondido, Calif.-based enXco, an EDF Energies Nouvelles company, has closed on the project financing for the Wapsipinicon Wind Energy Project. Lenders to the project are Nord/LB, CIC Credit Industriel et Commercial, Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen (Helaba) and CoBank. Nord/LB is administrative agent for the banks, which each have equal shares in term loan and letter of credit facilities."We are very proud to have another renewable energy project financed with Nord/LB, which also served as administrative agent for our Shiloh II project earlier this year," says Jim Peters, vice president of project finance for enXco. "Each of the lenders involved with the Wapsipinicon project have worked with enXco previously, and we continue to benefit from the strong relationships."

Construction of the 100.5 MW wind farm, which consists of 67 1.5 MW GE wind turbines, commenced in April 2008, with commissioning achieved in December 2008. Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency is purchasing power under a 20-year power purchase agreement.

The Wapsipinicon Wind Project, located in Mower County, Minn., will be operated and maintained by enXco Service Corp.SOURCE: enXco

Rural Energy for America

USDA Rural Development Invites Applications for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Improvement Loans and Grants

ST. PAUL, Minn., June 4 – USDA Rural Development is accepting applications for grants and loan guarantees for farmers and rural small businesses to install renewable energy systems, make energy efficiency improvements, or conduct feasibility studies. The funds are administered through Rural Development’s Rural Energy for American Program.

The deadline for applications is July 31, 2009, and can be sent to Lisa Noty, USDA Rural Development, 1400 West Main St., Albert Lea, MN 56007. Electronic applications may be submitted at www.grants.gov.

Loan guarantees and grants are available to agricultural producers and rural small businesses to purchase and install renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements. The maximum grant for renewable energy systems is 25% of eligible project costs, not to exceed $500,000. Energy efficiency improvement projects are eligible for up to 25% of eligible project costs, not to exceed $250,000. The maximum loan guarantee is 75 percent of eligible project costs, not to exceed $25 million. Combination loan guarantees and grants are also available. Feasibility studies now also qualify for grants under the Rural Energy for America Program.

Minnesota farmers and rural small businesses have been awarded almost $28 million since the Rural Energy for America Program was created in 2003. Examples of projects include large and small wind turbines, grain dryers, geothermal systems, energy efficient refrigerators or freezers and methane digesters.

USDA Rural Development finance housing, infrastructure and economic development projects in rural areas. Since 2001, it has invested over $4 billion throughout rural Minnesota.

Contact: Adam Czech, Public Information Coordinator

Phone: (651) 602-7799 (office); (320) 309-1160(cell)
E-mail: adam.czech@mn.usda.gov

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rochester Invites Energy Commission Applicants

The City of Rochester is establishing an Energy Commission (Ordinance 19A. Energy Commission) and is seeking 9 volunteers to guide energy-efficiency, land-use, transportation, and other policies that will lead the city to a sustainable future. Applicants must be a resident of Rochester and have a desire to serve their community in a volunteer capacity and be willing to contribute the number of hours necessary.

If you're interested in participating, please download an application from the link below, apply online, or for more information, call 507-328-2700. The Mayor interviews applicants and shall appoint a member subject to city council confirmation.

First LEED-Certified Building in Rochester

The year-old Nietz Electric building at 4475 U.S. 14 West became the first green building in Rochester to achieve LEED certification. (A few others are registered, but none are officially certified yet.) More than 30% of the materials used in construction are recycled-content and more than 30% were local materials from within a 30-mile radius of the site. Although it looks like a typical office building, the energy-efficient structure incorporates natural lighting and will use about 18% less energy than a standard office building, states Mike Benike of A.E. Benike, Inc.. the general contractor for the project. The owner also purchases renewable energy, wind power, from RPU.
Read the story in the Rochester Post-Bulletin:http://www.postbulletin.com/newsmanager/templates/localnews_story.asp?z=7&a=398875