Thursday, October 22, 2009

University of MN takes 5th Place at Solar Decathlon

Members of Southeast CERTS trekked to St. Paul in October to look at the nearly completed ICON, the University of Minnesota's entry in the Solar Decathlon before it was transported to the international competition in Washington D. C. IKON is an actual house, designed to be totally energy self-sufficient using solar electric, solar thermal and passive solar technologies while evoking the aesthetic of a traditional house with a gabled roof.
It was one of 20 houses designed by teams of university students from around the world. At the competition, the U of M entry took 5th place overall, and was awarded first place for lighting design and engineering.

SE CERTs member Joe Deden and his wife Mary Bell attended the 2009 Solar Decathlon in Washington D.C. and sent this note:

At the 4th semi-annual Solar Decathlon on the National Mall in Washington, D. C. we toured 20 solar homes that were designed and built by University students from the United States, Canada, Spain, Germany and Puerto Rico. An example of one creative idea was the University of Arizona home that had a canvas-like window fabric that had irregular shaped holes that automatically expanded and contracted like a camera lens that was designed to control the inside temperature. Two homes displayed unique exterior walls that were made of water, which has three times the temperature retention of cement. Home viewers were privy to brilliantly creative ways to incorporate space flexibility and adaptability with energy efficiency. To win the competition, each home was judged on attractiveness, effectiveness and energy-efficiency. Team Germany won first place, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign won second and Team California came in third. The University of Minnesota took 5th place. For great information, connect to

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