Thursday, July 9, 2009

Six Austin Churches Focus on Reducing Carbon Footprint

From 7/8/09 Post-Bulletin story, Austin MN By Karen Colbenson
This summer, six local churches are banding together for the ecumenical purpose of bringing faith into the goal of reducing the community's carbon footprint. The project, called Creation Care, is being led by Natalie Baudler, an Austin resident and junior at Luther College.

Baudler is leading the project as a three-month internship for her studies in English and communications. The goal of the internship is to spread the word about the "Going Green" movement, starting with the basics of faith. "It's really a moral issue," Baudler said. "It's our duty as stewards to care for God's creation. That's the main message."

Baudler is encouraging each church to take the Minnesota Energy Challenge and get energy audits.

Read the full story in the Post Bulletin

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